Sunday, December 9, 2007

Time for Kids interviews Nick

Nick gave TFK an inside look at what it's like to perform with his brothers, life on the road and how he copes with his diabetes while on tour.

What's it like being in a band with your brothers?

It's amazing. We get to do a lot of things that most brothers do not get to do together. It's really cool!

Are you guys competitive with each other?

Only when it comes to sports. We are not competitive in our career. In our career we are very supportive of each other.

What do you do on the road for fun?

We like to play tennis, wiffle ball, hang out with friends when we have the chance, and go see movies.

You performed on Broadway when you were younger. What was that like?

Performing on Broadway was amazing. It was a great training tool for what I am doing now. My favorite memory on Broadway was performing as Gavroche in the final cast of Les Miserables.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced since finding out that you have Type 1 diabetes?

There aren't too many challenges. But if I had to choose one it would be managing my blood sugar levels on the road.

What advice do you have for kids who have a life-long disease?

Keep holding on! Try your best to take care of yourself in whatever way you have available.

The band goes on tour with Miley Cyrus in October tell us a little about that?

It will be our first arena tour. We are so excited to be able to have the opportunity to tour with one of our really good friends. We have heard that the dates are selling out in less than one hour in cities all over the nation.

How has the tour been so far this summer?

The tour has been amazing. It is one of my favorite tours so far. We have visited states from California to New York. We even went to Puerto Rico.

We heard that you just finished a pilot show for the Disney Channel? What's the show about?

We did a pilot for Disney. We really can't talk about it.

How does your most recent album, Jonas Brothers differ from It's About Time.

This new record is full of a lot of personal experiences. It was really cool how we were able to put all of the things that happened to us and make the record we wanted to make. I think it is more mature and rocks hard.


Anonymous said...

I love nick jonas!! hes so cute

Anonymous said...

Prianka Chupra loves Nik Jonas because he has US$50 million/- & a big cock !

Anonymous said...

A baby or a child being cute is normal. Not some big cock like G. Clooney or. N. Jonas.
Ask N. Jonas for $5000/-and see if he's still "cute" !. He can afford to be "cute" because of his money & fame. Otherwise he is just another cockstander. Prianks Chupra pretends to be "affectionate" in order to win more fans & make more money. She's just a great big curry farter otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Prianka Chopra, openly talking about N. Jonas's private parts just goes to show she has no modesty. If she enjoys arse cheeks & cocks, she could do a live show of her strutting around, feeling Nick Jonas's cock & balls, with the music full on ! Let the world know your secrets, Prianks Chopra ! George Clooney might feel left out as he has always wanted to see N. Jonas naked !! How is the curry farting coming along, Pr. Chopra ?