Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Heart Nick Jonas

Time for Kids interviews Nick

Nick gave TFK an inside look at what it's like to perform with his brothers, life on the road and how he copes with his diabetes while on tour.

What's it like being in a band with your brothers?

It's amazing. We get to do a lot of things that most brothers do not get to do together. It's really cool!

Are you guys competitive with each other?

Only when it comes to sports. We are not competitive in our career. In our career we are very supportive of each other.

What do you do on the road for fun?

We like to play tennis, wiffle ball, hang out with friends when we have the chance, and go see movies.

You performed on Broadway when you were younger. What was that like?

Performing on Broadway was amazing. It was a great training tool for what I am doing now. My favorite memory on Broadway was performing as Gavroche in the final cast of Les Miserables.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced since finding out that you have Type 1 diabetes?

There aren't too many challenges. But if I had to choose one it would be managing my blood sugar levels on the road.

What advice do you have for kids who have a life-long disease?

Keep holding on! Try your best to take care of yourself in whatever way you have available.

The band goes on tour with Miley Cyrus in October tell us a little about that?

It will be our first arena tour. We are so excited to be able to have the opportunity to tour with one of our really good friends. We have heard that the dates are selling out in less than one hour in cities all over the nation.

How has the tour been so far this summer?

The tour has been amazing. It is one of my favorite tours so far. We have visited states from California to New York. We even went to Puerto Rico.

We heard that you just finished a pilot show for the Disney Channel? What's the show about?

We did a pilot for Disney. We really can't talk about it.

How does your most recent album, Jonas Brothers differ from It's About Time.

This new record is full of a lot of personal experiences. It was really cool how we were able to put all of the things that happened to us and make the record we wanted to make. I think it is more mature and rocks hard.

Miley and Nick- a not so cute couple

According to PopStar Online, Miley Cyrus (a.k.a. Hannah Montana) and Nick Jonas have dated. However, there seems to be widespread confusion as to whether or not Miley and Nick are dating.

Except for their youth, Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas seem to be a made for a Hollywood couple. After all, on Disney's Hannah Montana show, Miley plays a famous pop star singer who leads a double life as an average teenage girl during the day. Nick Jonas, on the other hand, is a real life pop star who sings lead vocals and plays the drums and keyboard with his brothers in their band, The Jonas Brothers.

Nick said, "She has to be kinda quiet, like a serious person — totally driven. People say I'm competitive, but I consider myself to be very driven." Miley is clearly quite driven, otherwise, she would not be Hannah Montana.

But those similarities do not seem to be enough to convince people that Nick and Miley make a cute couple. In a currently running poll by PopStarMagazine almost two thirds of the over five thousand respondents to date, don't think Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas make a good couple.

What do you think?

Nick Jonas Quiz

Question 1: What's Nick's full name?
Nicholas Jerry Jonas
Nickolas Adam Jonas
Paul Nick Jonas

Question 2: What horrible disease does Nick have?
The Flu

Question 3: What did Nick do when he was little?
Talent Shows
Weather Reports
Broadway shows

Question 4: What are Nick's Favorite Sports?
Baseball, Tennis, & Golf
Football, Baseball, & Pole Vaulting
I don't know!

Question 5: What are Nick's Brothers' names?
Frankie & Joseph
Frankie, Joseph, & Kevin
Joseph & Kevin

Question 6: When did Nick find out he had diabetes?
Fall 2005
Winter 2003
On his Birthday

Question 7: What is Nick's favorite:
Drink, Ice cream flavor, movie, when is his Birthday, & how old is he?
Red Bull, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Jungle Book, May 7, 1992 & 15
I Have No Clue
Soda, Vanilla, Titanic, & August 15,1992, 15
Slurpees, Chocolate, SpongeBob SquarePants the Movie, June 8, 1992 & 15
711 slurpees, Cotton Candy, Finding Neverland, September 16, 1992 & 15

Question 8: Where was Nick born?
New York
New Jersey

Question 9: What is Nick's height?

Question 10: What does he use for his diabetes?

Question 11: What is Nick Jonas's favorite food?
ice cubes
baby food

Question 12: What is Nick Jonas's nickname?
"Nick J"

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nick's Autograph

Nick's Scariest Moment

It was the fall of 2005. The Jonas Brothers were on tour- and something was very wrong. Nick, who's normally outgoing, energetic and happy, wasn't acting like himself. In fact, he was acting mean.
"I started experiencing weight loss, a bad attitude- things that weren't me," Nick says. "So after the tour we went to the doctor and found out I had diabetes. The first thing I asked the doctor was if I was going to die. It was crazy!"
Nick spent three days in the hospital learning all about the disease, which occurs when your body can't regulate sugar. "It was hard. There were times when I just didn't want to have it," he says. Now he wears a device called the OmniPod to regulate his sugar. "It was a learning process," Nick says, but he wants his story to help others. "Once my family felt like we had it under control, we decided to tell the world!"

Nick Pics

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Nick Jonas

Nick's Biography:

Date of Birth
16 September 1992, Dallas, Texas, USA

Birth Name
Nicholas Jerry Jonas

Nick J.

5' 6" (1.68 m)

Trade Mark
His curly hair.

Favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.

His favorite sport is baseball.

His favorite actors are Matt Long and Keri Lynn Pratt. who both star in Jack and Bobby.

He has type 1 diabetes (diagnosed in 2005 while on tour.).

He uses an OmniPod for his Type 1 diabetes.

Born in Dallas Texas, grew up in Wyckoff New Jersey, and now resides in Los Angeles.

His band The Jonas Brothers have had over 7 music videos on TV.

Is a fan of Stevie Wonder.

Started on Broadway and once missed a family vacation to be in a play.

Was doing a solo project until his agent discovered his brothers (Kevin and Joe) had talent also.

Got discovered singing, while getting his haircut.

Brothers include Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Frankie Jonas.

His favorite science subject is geology.

His favorite school subject is spelling.

His favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

His favorite band is Fall Out Boy.

His favorite baseball player is Derek Jeter.

His favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys.

He plays the electric and acoustic guitar, piano, and the drums.

He collects baseball cards.

Personal Quotes:
It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything.

Live like you're at the bottom even if your at the top.

Im pretty crazy about the Yankees. When I can't actually watch a game, i TiVo it. I am also a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I don't tell many people that because I will get made fun on because I'm from New Jersey!

The good thing about Joe is that he's the craziest person I've ever met in my life. And the worst thing about Joe is that he's the craziest person I've ever met in my life. Kevin is really good at staying focused on guitar. But there's nothing really bad about Kevin.

On all the tours we've done, we've gone from school in the morning to radio, we go to lunch with someone that's important, then go do a show, do a singing, go to bed. It never stops